Empress Liberation Package ~ 3-Month Feminine Empowerment Mentorship
12 x 1hr / 6 x 90 minute 1:1 zoom calls
Tues - Thursday 10am-4pm dedicated access
Tutorial materials for your reference
PLUS 1 x 2hr Goddess Treatment Package
After the purchase we will be in touch to send you options for a weekly time and date for your zoom calls and for a vista to The Quaives for your Goddess Package.
12 x 1hr / 6 x 90 minute 1:1 zoom calls
Tues - Thursday 10am-4pm dedicated access
Tutorial materials for your reference
PLUS 1 x 2hr Goddess Treatment Package
After the purchase we will be in touch to send you options for a weekly time and date for your zoom calls and for a vista to The Quaives for your Goddess Package.
12 x 1hr / 6 x 90 minute 1:1 zoom calls
Tues - Thursday 10am-4pm dedicated access
Tutorial materials for your reference
PLUS 1 x 2hr Goddess Treatment Package
After the purchase we will be in touch to send you options for a weekly time and date for your zoom calls and for a vista to The Quaives for your Goddess Package.