Bed Yoga Video Series


Easy to follow classes to practise in the comfort of your bed or anywhere you find yourself at an opportune moment for some me-time.


  • Gentle yogic movement + stretching to release tension and stress

  • Breathing practices to bring calm and clarity

  • Rest + Relaxation for promoting inner peace and well-being

  • Invitations to check-in with your body and heart to find a sense of holding and self-compassion

  • Journal prompts to deepen your connection with your Self and your needs


Video 1: Introduction - 1 minute

Video 2: Bed Yoga Class 1 - 15 minutes

Video 3: Bed Yoga Class 2 - 18 minutes

Video 4: Bed Yoga Class 3 - 18 minutes

Video 5: Bed Yoga Class 4 - 20 minutes


A one-off payment of £15 for 4 videos and you get instant life-time access.

Upon purchase you will receive an invitation to download a pdf which has all the information and links for accessing the video content.


Listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel right, modify or miss those parts out. This is a practise for you to feel good, relaxed and connected with yourself. Respect your body in each moment, let go of the attachment of thinking what it should be able to do, and instead listen and respond with kindness and compassion.

Any questions or feedback please email me at


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