Mindful Moontime Workshops
Each month Clare welcomes women into a supportive, shared online space to talk more about their menstrual cycle and the importance of charting for any wellness journey.
“No one has ever presented the topic to me from a spiritual point of view before. I loved hearing about how cyclical charting suits more women. I enjoyed the loving space created, feeling the sisterhood and understanding that we don’t have to carry on as normal and make ourselves fit to patriarchal systems.”
— Kaja, London
“It was full of ‘ah ha!’ moments! It was great to realise I am not exploring this alone and I find the circular method a far better way to chart than the traditional linear route. By charting I have found I am embracing myself positively and being more kind, responding to what my body/mind needs rather then fighting myself.
— Tiggy, Bath
“If we could all embrace the learnings Clare's Mindful Moontime course pulls together, women would truly rule the world! I really appreciated the practical tips for better awareness and understanding of your cycle, and look forward to continuing the journey. Thank you Clare.”
— Emma, Kent